Meet eb5: Katy

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Meet eb5: Katy


Today I would like to introduce you to our president, Katy.

Meet eb5: Katy

Jules: What is your role here at eb5 and what do you like about what you do?

Katy: I’m President, so I have my hands in pretty much everything.

Jules: Which is your favorite EB5 product and why?

Katy: My favorite eb5 product is the toner. It is so soothing and moisturizing. My skin just loves it! And when its muggy or humid out and a day cream is too much, the toner keeps my skin moist without feeling sticky.

Jules: What makes you happiest in life?

Katy: I love spending time with my family, listening to great music of any genre, playing board games and swing dancing. All of those integrate pretty nicely together – except for board games and swing dancing, those are an either/or kind of deal – so I generally am doing more than one at a time.

Jules: What advice would you give if you could talk to yourself 20 years ago?

Katy: My advice to my former self would be “Don’t wait for someone to tell you that you are ready, or that you can do it. Just go for it. You may surprise yourself.”

Jules: When eb5 was at Sundance, we asked the celebrities to give us their beauty secrets by filling in these blanks: ____________ lots of _____________. How would you fill in the blanks?

Katy: my beauty secret is: drink lots of green smoothies and juices.

Want to meet the rest of the team? Click here!


Written By: Kristen Creed

Edited By: Kristen Creed